UI/UX Case Study

King Swings


King Swings is a business located in Lancaster Pennsylvania that builds custom vinyl play sets ranging from $6,000-$20,000. Their primary form of marketing is through social media with the majority of their user engagement occurring on mobile devices. We were brought in to refresh their visual presence & help direct the user experience by offering a more intuitive ecommerce and UI/UX solution.

Targeted Users

King Swings’ main clientele are upper-middle class families with 1-7 kids. The main shoppers are typically Mom’s and sometimes Dad’s who are looking at a play set for their backyard.

Tools Used

Sketch, Invision.

Methods Used

Competitive Analysis, User Interviews, Affinity Diagrams, Unmoderated usability testing.

My Role & Responsibilities

Lead Designer – collaborated with team members to manage research, form strategy, and design desktop & mobile screens.

The Problem

King Swings needed to update the look and feel of their website with the primary goal of making their online shopping experience more mobile friendly. Tertiary goals for the project were to update the product display, and increase interaction with phone contact & catalog signups.

The Challenge

We needed to simplify the layout for King Swings while also presenting the fun & whimsical side of their brand. In order to strike this balance I paired a variety of shapes and colors to accent their amazing product photography.

The Strategy

We incorporated large user-friendly dropdown menu’s and simple landing pages for all product pages to help funnel users towards our set goals. We also sought to increase interaction with products by offering ample product flows and call-to-actions for relevant pages.

The Result

King Swings was very happy with the re-design and the set goals for the project. Through user-testing and competitive analysis the new design was shown to successfully offer an improved mobile experience with increased interaction on all products and call-to-actions.

Lessons Learned

This was an enjoyable project that engaged with a unique market. I attempted to provide a fun yet whimsical design balanced within a simple layout. This presented a few challenges, and in hindsight I would’ve made sure this was reflected throughout all of the layouts, even more so in the navigation.

The homepage having a unique hero imageĀ placed a special focus on the amazing product that King Swings offers, however It also added a layer of complexity to the navigation, and in retrospect I would have liked to explore other solutions.